Thursday, December 3, 2009

A reintroduction to food

I've started cooking again. Hopefully this will be more than passing fad. I'm determined to make good food for my whole family (hubby, baby,grandma, and myself), that is in a budget.

The first step of this is meal planning.

I like food, a lot. I like a lot of different foods. I am a vegan. Since taking over the evening meals in our home, I've enjoyed scanning a variety of cookbooks and recipes slightly adapting them for our needs.

My main requirements for meal planning are:
  1. The foods must be vegetable centered
  2. require very little processed mock meats (this keeps the costs down)
  3. Have at least 3 separate recipes on the plate during serving.
  4. be able to blend/ puree up for the Lil One's consumption.
  5. Have no creepy ultraprocessed ingredients (ie corn syrup)
I love all ethnicities of food. This week my cooking influences and recipes came from, Feeding the Whole Family, Maangachi, Vegan With a Vengence, and The Japanese Kitchen.

At some point I post what we ate and what the Lil One ate but lemme tell you it was delicious, and I always have leftovers for lunch the next day.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Sweat and Tears (No Blood)

So this week I have been trying to encourage my lil darling to hang out in babysitting while I work out down the hall. This is beneficial to me for many reasons.
  1. I get precious me time.
  2. The Lil One gets to meet other babies.
  3. I'm still trying to loose some weight/ be able to run longer distances without completely dying. As of now I'm only mostly dead, "all dead there's only one thing you can do..... "
  4. The Lil One gets to learn about having fun away from mommy
It's number four that we've been having trouble with. Monday was great, I got the full hour and a half of workout. Tuesday I got forty minutes. Today? 25mins. And only because they nice ladies of the YMCA wanted to let me get my exercise in.

The YMCA is pretty much the best gym for a new mommy. (If you don't need/use a gym because you are much more disciplined/more active than me I congratulate you.) There is free babysitting, you can workout in whatever, no worries anyone will hit on you and make you feel uncomfortable. And there are always other parents to meet. I love it.

Maybe we'll get the Lil One to love it too.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Zombacalypse is Here!

Today begins my blog about new mommyhood, my lack of sleep and my movement as on of the undead!

I am learning about blogging on blogspot because the last time I kept a blog was on livejournal back in undergrad. Hopefully I'll be able to make this blog about things to know as a new mom who doesn't like plastic crap, isn't rich, and who doesn't have other moms nearby for advice/sanity.

We ready kids?

Here we go! Keep all limbs inside the vehicle.